Self Study is an emerging form of learning that has emerged due to the availability of learning resources online. Self-studying enables the learner to learn what he or she wants, when he or she wants, and how he or she wants. The learner drives the learning process and this tends to be more effective than instructional learning. Self-directed learning describes a process in which individuals take the initiative, with or without the help of others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning goals, identifying human and material resources for learning, choosing and implementing appropriate learning. The individual can aim to learn a little bit about everything, or they can work hard toward mastering a single subject.
Self-studying is a learning method where people direct their own studying outside the classroom/area and without direct supervision. Since people are able to take control of what (and how) they are learning, self-study can be a very valuable way for many people to learn.
Benefits of Self Studying
- Learn more effectively.
- Can take control over their learning
- Discover more about the topics they’re studying.
- It can boost people’s self-esteem.
- Learn at their own pace.
- Encourages curiosity
- I can do it at any time.
- Get better at doing it.
Disadvantages of Self Studying
- Self-discipline can reduce
- It is reducing brainstorming
- No face-to-face interaction.
- Lack of flexibility.
- Lack of input from trainers.
- Slow evolution.
- Lack of transformational power.
- No peripheral benefits.
- Don’t use teamwork benefits.